Idioma: Inglés
Fecha: Subida: 2023-11-10T15:00:00+01:00
Duración: 48m 28s
Lugar: Murcia - Facultad de Derecho - Salón de Grados
Lugar: Conferencia
Visitas: 775 visitas

EUniWell Showcase Conference- Empowering & Fostering / Rectors’ Panel: WB, Institutional Transfor...

EUniWell Showcase Conference "Becoming a Voice for Well-Being" on 9-10 November 2023 at the University of Murcia


Empowering and Fostering

Rectors’ Panel: Well-Being, Institutional Transformation and Academic Excellence

Moderator: Giorgia Giovannetti, University of Florence
- Jean-François Huchet, Rector, Inalco
- Béla Merkely, Rector, Semmelweis University

The EUniWell Showcase Conference not only celebrated past achievements but also set the stage for a collaborative and impactful future. The engaging presentations, roundtable discussions, and networking opportunities demonstrated the Alliance’s commitment to well-being in research, education, and civic engagement. As EUniWell continues to evolve, the conference serves as a testament to the dedication of its community in becoming a voice for well-being in Europe and beyond.

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UMtv (Universidad de Murcia)


Eduardo Perez Asensio
Juan Jorge Piernas Lopez
Pascual Cantos GÓmez


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Serie: EUniWell Showcase Conference "Becoming a Voice for Well-Being" (+información)

European University for Well-Being Showcase Conference "Becoming a Voice for Well-Being"


The EUniWell Showcase Conference not only celebrated past achievements but also set the stage for a collaborative and impactful future. The engaging presentations, roundtable discussions, and networking opportunities demonstrated the Alliance’s commitment to well-being in research, education, and civic engagement. As EUniWell continues to evolve, the conference serves as a testament to the dedication of its community in becoming a voice for well-being in Europe and beyond.

More info: