ReSouk 2011: Antonio Ballester y Eva Mª Caparrós
Use of concrete residues for the preparation of reactive permeable barriers to be used for the remediation of waters contaminated by heavy metals
Serie: ReSouk 2011 (+información)
EMUNI Student Research Multi-conference
ReSouk 2011: José Antonio Sáez Tovar
Application of an innovative combination of biofilters for petrol station wastewater treatment: a pilot-scale study
ReSouk 2011: Daniel López Valero
Assessment of air quality in a typical Mediterranean University. Campus of Espinardo, a green case study
ReSouk 2011: Lidia Hernández Bravo
Biosorption of nickel (II) from aqueous solutions using Posidonia oceanica
ReSouk 2011: Raquel Vaquero
Self-Evaluation of the teaching process of canoeing using the innovation technologies
ReSouk 2011: Cristina Sotomayor Martínez
Sistema de protección de inundaciones para entornos mediterráneos
ReSouk 2011: Lorena Martínez-Solis
Maritime Documental Heritage and his difusion on Internet: toward a large virtual Archive about Mare Nostrum
ReSouk 2011: Jorge Treviño Otón
The role of Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas as tool for socio-economic engine and biodiversity conservation