Opening Plenary Lecture: Polly L Arnold - Univ. Edinburgh
Putting the 'f' in chemistry; a female f-block chemist's organometallic approach to understanding structure and bonding in our nuclear waste elements
Putting the 'f' in chemistry; a female f-block chemist's organometallic approach to understanding structure and bonding in our nuclear waste elements
Women in their Element: Women’s contributions to the development of the Periodic System and to new knowledge about the elements
Gold Carbenes and Beyond
Women and element discovery: personal interviews and experiences
The International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements
The International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements
Visualising women in the Periodic Table: A Spanish research line on fluorine (1920s-1930s)
Curiosity, creativity and courage that changed our world
The oldest surviving Periodic Table wallchart
Gender Representation in Chemistry Textbooks in the UK and Ireland
Women in Science and Names of Elements. Chemistry Teaching Resources for Learning about Marie Curie and Lise Meitner
“Breaking Bad” Television Series Explained to Students
Fundación ONCE (Blind National Organization of Spain) Chemistry and Integration
Does Gender Gap in Chemistry still Exist? A Global Exploratory Survey
Nanochemistry: shaping matter at the molecular and atomic level
Electrochemistry and the periodic table: from beginnings to present-day electrochemistry of important elements
A Tale of two Periodic Tables: Elements and the future of the world
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