Second Underground4value Training School- COST Action CA18110
"Principles and applications for monitoring and assessing underground cavities sites", Zili Li (Cork University)
"Principles and applications for monitoring and assessing underground cavities sites", Zili Li (Cork University)
"Developing a participatory platform", Alfonso Bahillo (Deusto University)
"Conservation of earthen construction heritage with seismic concerns", Alice Tavares Costa (CICECO, RISCO, University of Aveiro, PT)
Institutional Welcome: Vice Chancellor of Enterpreneurship Alicia Rubio, Dean of School of Labour Sciences Prudencio Riquelme and Chair of CA18110 Giuseppe Pace
"Underground4value: Alternative development approaches for UBH valorisation", Giuseppe Pace (ISMed-CNR).
"Study case: Aya Napa Monastery (CY)", Mia Trentin (Cyprus Institute), Lola Vico Lopez (Sotterranei di Roma Ricerca APS)
"Study case: Camerano, the Underground City (Italy)", Ernesto Marcheggiani (Polytechnic University of Marche), María Murillo Romero (University of Basque Country)
"Study case: Dólmen de Antelas and Carapito I (PT)", Alice Tavares Costa (CICECO, RISCO, University of Aveiro, PT) and María del Carmen Solano Baez (University of Murcia)
"Informal Planning Approaches in Activating Underground Built Heritage", Carlos Smaniotto Costa (Lusófona University)
"Symbolic Implications of Use and Re-use of Underground Spaces and models of territory valorization", Renata Salvarani (European University of Rome)
"Decision making process - Values and the statement of significance", Shirley Cefai (University of Malta)
"Developing Underground Heritage Business Models", Pedro Garcia Guillamón and Ignacio Uzquiza Cuellar (CEEIM)
"Digital tools for valorizing Underground heritage", Tony Cassar (Heritage Malta)
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