Idioma: Español
Fecha: Subida: 2018-10-26T00:00:00+02:00
Duración: 3h 06m 27s
Lugar: Murcia - Facultad de Letras - Mariano Baquero
Lugar: Jornadas
Visitas: 4.530 visitas

MobiAbility: Preliminary Results Presentation

Presentación de resultados preliminares del Proyecto MobiAbility

A free and partipative event hold at University of Murcia on October 24, 2018 aimed to present preliminary results of the MobiAbility Project

October 24, 2018
From 9:30 to 13:30 h
Location: University of Murcia – Spain
Sala Mariano Baquero - Facultad de Letras - Campus de la Merced, Calle Santo Cristo, 30001 Murcia (Spain)


1. Institutional Welcome
Dr. Cristina Sánchez López, Vicerrectora de Estudiantes, Universidad de Murcia
Dr. Juan Monzó, Director General de Universidades e Investigación (CARM)
Mr. Pedro Matínez, Presidente de CERMI Región de Murcia
Ms. Mercedes Jaraba Sánchez, Subdir. Gen. Área de Discapacidad (MSCBS)
Ms. Rosa Peñalver Pérez, Presidenta de la Asamblea Regional de Murcia

2. Presentation of the MobiAbility Project
Dr. Miguel A. Pérez, Project coordinator, Universidad de Murcia

3. Preliminary results of the project:
Standard of Measures, by Dr. Miguel Á. Pérez
Web Platform, by Dr. Piotr Muryjas, Lublin University of Technology

4. Video by Ms. Emily O'Reilly, European Ombudsman
5. Video by Ms. Coral Martínez, Directora del SEPIE

6. Experiences: International students and university and social association staff
Ms. Ana Soler, Federación de Asociaciones Murcianas de Personas con Discapacidad Física y Orgánica, FAMDIF
Ms. Gloria Cascales Serrano, Student, Universidad de Murcia
Ms. Emilia Madrigal, Student, Universidad de Murcia
Ms. Eva Casanova, ADyV, Universidad de Murcia
Ms. Teresa Allepuz, Europe Direct Murcia (moderator)

7. Conclusions and closure
Dr. Miguel A. Pérez, Project coordinator, Universidad de Murcia
Ms. Teresa Allepuz, Europe Direct Murcia
(group photo)


UMtv (Universidad de Murcia)


Miguel Angel Perez Sanchez


Nuevo comentario

Serie: MobiAbility (+información)

ERASMUS+ KA2 project n. 2016-1-ES01-KA203-025001


MobiAbility was born with the ultimate goal of promoting the international mobility of university students with disabilities. To do this, a consortium of four universities and three civil entities joined our knowledge and enthusiasm.

We will propose a set of academic and technical support measures that every “Erasmus” university should offer to international students with special needs. We will also create a web platform where students can find the university that best fits their needs and the agents involved will have some tools to offer a better support and monitoring of the students.