Gestor: Antonio Nicolas Sanchez
Fecha: 07/03/2019
International Symposium on "Setting their Table: Women and the Periodic Table of Elements"
simposium internacional las mujeres y la tabla periódica de los elementos
30 elementos encontrados

Inicio: 12 Feb 2019 00:00
356 reproducciones
356 reproducciones
Breaking Bias: Claire A. Murray, Michael Seery, Yvonne Anderson and Charlie Simms
24' 20"
Gender Representation in Chemistry Textbooks in the UK and Ireland

Inicio: 12 Feb 2019 00:00
307 reproducciones
307 reproducciones
Oral Communication: M Araceli Calvo, Univ. Autonoma Madrid (Spain)
16' 47"
Women in Science and Names of Elements. Chemistry Teaching Resources for Learning about Marie Curie and Lise Meitner

Inicio: 12 Feb 2019 00:00
437 reproducciones
437 reproducciones
Oral Communication: Azzurra Stefanucci, University “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti-Pescara (Italy)
18' 40"
“Breaking Bad” Television Series Explained to Students

Inicio: 12 Feb 2019 00:00
318 reproducciones
318 reproducciones
Oral Communication Juan Carlos Morejón y Pedro Salinas, Fundación ONCE
22' 05"
Fundación ONCE (Blind National Organization of Spain) Chemistry and Integration

Inicio: 12 Feb 2019 00:00
540 reproducciones
540 reproducciones
Global Women’s Breakfast
29' 40"
(Cafetería Faculty of Chemistry)

Inicio: 15 Feb 2019 00:00
291 reproducciones
291 reproducciones
Plenary Lecture: Mei-Hung Chiu, National Taiwan Normal University
27' 00"
Does Gender Gap in Chemistry still Exist? A Global Exploratory Survey

Inicio: 15 Feb 2019 00:00
385 reproducciones
385 reproducciones
Plenary Lecture: Angela Agostiano, Univ. of Bari-Aldo Moro, President Italian Society of Chemistry
41' 03"
Nanochemistry: shaping matter at the molecular and atomic level

Inicio: 15 Feb 2019 00:00
448 reproducciones
448 reproducciones
Key note Christopher M.A. Brett, Univ. Coimbra. Elected President of IUPAC
41' 19"
Electrochemistry and the periodic table: from beginnings to present-day electrochemistry of important elements

Inicio: 15 Feb 2019 00:00
334 reproducciones
334 reproducciones
Key-note David Cole-Hamilton, EuChemS Past President, Univ. St Andrews (UK)
30' 14"
A Tale of two Periodic Tables: Elements and the future of the world

Inicio: 15 Feb 2019 00:00
261 reproducciones
261 reproducciones
Oral Communication Tatiana G. Myasoedova, Univ Chem. Technology Moscow (Russia)
43' 35"
Science researches at D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia: role of women