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Carlos Magro. Asociación Educación Abierta. Madrid.
Carlos Magro proposes a reflection on education and the need to change the current educational system. He suggests that schools should be "partially open" rather than simply open, which involves a complete restructuring of the school. The idea is to break away from the outdated concept of the current school system and renew pedagogy to increase vocabulary and better understand the world. He also proposes the need for tools to have a projection into the future and educate the world to learn to care for it. The current school system educates individualistic students who do not care about their environment, and he suggests the need to change this approach. To do so, it is necessary to modify the limits of the school with its territory and governance, as well as connect the school with the landscape and the neighborhood. Additionally, technology can also have a direct impact on the ecosystem, and the ecology of learning is an important factor to consider. In conclusion, Carlos Magro proposes a new form of education that confronts society rather than just adapting to it. To understand the world, it is necessary to take a step back and be critical.