Experiencia Piloto 2: Cuatronaranjos Murcia Active School
La acción en la que Cuatronaranjos está trabajando tiene como objetivo “reconectar con nuestro entorno a través de los colores”
La primera acción que lideraron consistió en alcanzar dicha reconexión a través de los colores vegetales, creando pigmentos propios a raíz de distintas verduras
Comenzó con la creación de pigmentos minerales propios, se recolectaron pigmentos naturales de diferentes partes de Murcia, se pusieron en común, machacaron esos materiales hasta crear un polvo que luego tamizaron y mezclaron con huevo, agua, sirope de agave… Así, consiguieron crear una especie de “Pantone” o carta de colores propia de Murcia
Después, los alumnos hicieron una excursión para detectar “heridas” en la Huerta Murciana. Extrajeron muchísimas heridas, cosas que no concebían como parte del entorno natural y que creían que podían y debían cambiar, ya fuera porque algunas cosas estaban mal cuidadas o porque consideraban que los humanos las estábamos destrozando. Se les ocurrieron muchas propuestas y a raíz de ellas, diseñaron la acción.
“Para nosotros, eduLANDS ha supuesto abrirnos al mundo. Somos un colegio que lleva cinco años en funcionamiento, un colegio muy joven. Nunca nos habíamos mostrado, por cuidarnos a nosotros, por cuidar lo que queremos… Nos ha supuesto abrirnos a la huerta, que en nuestro caso está al lado del cole”
“EduLANDS nos ha ayudado a crear conexiones con el paisaje en todos los ámbitos: físico, comercial, se conecta incluso con un paisaje interno, con dónde estamos y dónde queremos estar” – Itziar Quintana, profesora de Cuatronaranjos y miembro de eduLANDS
Ahora mismo, los alumnos culminan la acción con unos graffiti en el muro de su colegio con colores que sí consideran propios de la huerta, tapando otros que no eran apropiados y que creían que distorsionaba la imagen de la huerta.
"Pretenden dar ejemplo generando unos graffiti o dibujos que puedan ser copiados por otros o que inspiren a otros para usar unos colores más respetuosos con el entorno en sus propios graffiti” – Antonio Abellán, impulsor de Huerta Bizarra e investigador de eduLANDS.
Estas actividades están hechas dentro del proyecto Erasmus+ eduLANDS for transitions: collaborative learning tools to connect schools and landscape
The eduLANDS for transitions communication team has visited this week Cuatronaranjos Active School, in Murcia.
The action in which Cuatronaranjos is working right now is the second that takes place in the center and the goal of both is to "reconnect with our environment through colors."
The first action they led was to achieve this reconnection through plant colors, creating their own pigments from different vegetables.
It began with the creation of own mineral pigments, a collection of natural pigments from different parts of Murcia was made, they were put in common, and the students finally crushed these materials to create a powder that they later sifted and mixed with egg, water, agave syrup, honey... Thus, they managed to create a kind of "Pantone" or color chart typical of Murcia.
Afterwards, the children of Cuatronaranjos made an excursion to detect "wounds" in the Huerta Murciana.
The students extracted many wounds, things that they did not conceive of as part of the natural environment and that they believed could and should change, either because some things were little and poorly maintained or because they considered that humans were destroying them. They came up with many proposals and as a result of them, they designed the action.
"For us, eduLANDS has meant opening up to the world. We are a school that has been in operation for five years, a very young school. We had never shown, to take care of us, to take care of what we love… EduLANDS has meant opening up to the orchard, which in our case is next to the school”
"EduLANDS has helped us create connections with the landscape across the board: physical, commercial, it connects even with an internal landscape, with where we are and where we want to be" – Itziar Quintana, teacher of Cuatronaranjos and member of eduLANDS.
ight now, the students culminate the action with some graffiti on the wall of their school with colors that they do consider typical of the landscape while covering others that were not appropriate and that they believed distorted the image of the landscape.
"They intend to set an example by generating graffiti or drawings that can be copied by others or that inspire others to use more environmentally friendly colors in their own graffiti" – Antonio Abellán, promoter of Huerta Bizarra and researcher at eduLANDS.
These activities are carried out within the Erasmus+ project eduLANDS for transitions: collaborative learning tools to connect schools and landscape
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