Idioma: Español
Fecha: Subida: 2020-09-30T00:00:00+02:00
Duración: 1h 30m
Lugar: OnLine - Online
Lugar: Directo
desde 30/09/2020 00:00
Visitas: 3.258 usuarios

Premio FIUM 2020

Acto de entrega y charla del premiado: Dr. Darío Gil


Con motivo de la celebración del XXV Aniversario de la implantación de los estudios de Informática en la Universidad de Murcia, la Facultad de Informática decidió instaurar un premio como reconocimiento a la cooperación de personas y organizaciones en la consecución de los fines académicos, científicos y sociales dentro del ámbito de la informática.

Tras el proceso de selección y aprobación de nuestra Junta de Facultad, este año ha sido seleccionado como premiado D. Darío Gil, debido a su impresionante contribución al mundo de la informática. Darío Gil es, además, murciano de nacimiento. Adjunto se encuentra el detalle de su biografía

Dr. Darío Gil

Director of IBM Research

Dr. Darío Gil is the Director of IBM Research, one of the world’s largest and most influential corporate research labs. He is the 12th Director in its 75-year history.

IBM Research is composed of over 3,000 researchers at 19 locations on six continents advancing the future of computing. Dr. Gil leads innovation efforts at IBM, directing research strategies in areas including AI, cloud, quantum computing, and exploratory science. Under his leadership IBM was the first company in the world to build programmable quantum computers and make them universally available through the cloud.

An advocate of collaborative research models, Dr. Gil co-chairs the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab, which advances fundamental AI research to the broad benefit of industry and society. He also co-chairs the COVID-19 High-Performance Computing Consortium, which provides access to the world’s most powerful high-performance computing resources in support of COVID-19 research.

Dr. Gil is a Trustee of the New York Hall of Science, and is a member of the National Science Board (NSB), the governing body of the National Science Foundation (NSF).

Dr. Gil received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT.

Es por ello que hemos organizado un acto para la entrega del premio el día 30 de septiembre 2020 a las 16:00 via telemática, donde el premiado dará una charla a los miembros de la facultad y a toda la comunidad universitaria interesada desde EEUU.

Title: What’s Next in Computing – Powering the Era of Accelerated Discovery


We are witnessing two revolutions. Intersecting and converging classical computing with the two analog compute paradigms – AI and quantum computing – creates unseen compute power – both in terms of performance but more importantly for solving problems so far deemed unsolvable. This compute convergence in turn powers a second revolution in scientific discovery enabling its massive acceleration.

In the first part of this presentation, we will share the recent breakthroughs and expected future advances for each of the three computing technologies: classical computing (bits), AI algorithms and hardware (neurons), and quantum computing (qubits). In particular, we will reveal our 3-year roadmap for IBM Quantum.

The second part will describe a new approach to scientific discovery aiming at a tenfold acceleration. We will illustrate how the advances in computing and the compute paradigm convergence is enabling specifically rapid materials discovery which is essential to society and virtually all industries. IBM Research’s 5in5 predictions will give examples of 5 high-impact materials predicted to be created in the next 5 years.

We will close with a broader reflection on the urgency of science and the needed infusion of scientific thinking into all areas of society. In an uncertain world, learning from the past will not suffice. Discovery in general and in science specifically will enable us to prepare for and cope with the unexpected."


UMtv (Universidad de Murcia)


Rafael Marin Lopez


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