Idioma: Español
Fecha: Subida: 2023-12-07T00:00:00+01:00
Duración: 3m 59s
Lugar: Documental
Visitas: 854 visitas

Making of: Caminos perdidos de la Transhumancia

Miguel Pallarés (IES Poeta Julián Andúgar), Conchi Meseguer and Joaquín Lisón (InDirectFilm)


The action involves the study and connection with the forgotten landscape of transhumance in the municipality of Santomera through the creation of a guided documentary. Students have examined the elements of their municipality’s landscape through this ancient practice, subsequently developing fictional stories interpreted and sensitized through mediation and theatricalization. Activities include the study of direct sources such as old maps or laws associated with transhumance, interviews with transhumant shepherds, visits to spaces related to transhumance for understanding, and staging. These activities were carried out leading up to the final production of the docufiction film and its presentation to society.

Transcripción (generada automáticamente)

Ha hecho más frecuentes. También estuvieron, pero no tanto que haya seguido la tradición del mandato. Lo preguntaba yo sepa, aquí estoy para guiarlos. Temblar la. Parálisis que ir marcando da igual, intentarlo, sea matando en relación a cualquier evento relacionado con el patrimonio o no por el camino. Seguir. Salvada Navarro, exactamente la palabra. Dónde. Ha ido a la huelga.


Edulands for transitions


Edulands for transitions


Gemma UreÑa Merchan


Edulands for transitions


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